The Origin of the Story

And The Story Begins

If you asked someone about the world of introversion, such person shall undoubtedly amaze you with answers from here and there that have nothing to do with the truth or science. If we raised the concept of introversion, some people would have the concept of introversion to be a synonym with psychological disease. Here lies the mistake. The introversion is the difference in personalities that prefer solitude, contemplation and meditation in their life affairs more than noise and impulse, which form the core of the extravert personality. We are all social personalities, but each person has a plan, goal and path. Could the richest man in the world and the leader of the American science technology Bill Gates become with the same impulsive of Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States and vice versa? So, each one of us has imprint. Each of us has a share of the achievement, success and progress, but the paths are varying depending on the difference of humans. Deeds are judged by motives and intentions, so each introvert shall have only what he intended.

If the science spoke, the sheep shall be silent, the rumors and gossip shall be blown away and here is how:


Hans Eysenck, a psychologist in the 1960s, formulated a theory stating that extroverts did not have high levels of something referred to as “arousal”. He indicated that extroverts needed higher degrees of external stimulation so that they would feel ready and alert whereas introverts (self-motivated) can be over-stimulated (i.e. over-aroused) easily. This was helpful in providing explanation for extroverts’ feeling of hazard taking, challenges, and steady social relations to keep them empowered, whereas introverts (self-motivated) frequently needed to search out alone time so that they could bring down their over-stimulation (i.e. over arousal) — flourishing best at home, in library corners, or in serene parks.


Both introverts (self-motivated) and extroverts have a major difference in their brains, which is how they react to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical substance the brain discharges that gives the inspiration to look for outer rewards like gaining cash, going up the social ladder, attracting a companion, or becoming selected for a prominent venture at work. At the point when dopamine surges the mind, both introverts (self-motivated) and extroverts turn out to be chattier, cautious to their environment, and inspired to go out to take risks and investigate the surroundings.

The reason is not that introverts (self-motivated) do not have the same level of dopamine in their brains more than extroverts. Actually, both of them have similar quantity of dopamine. The distinction is in the action of the dopamine reward network. It is more dynamic in the brains of extroverts than introverts.

Grey Matter

Harvard psychologist Randy Buckner published a study in 2012 showing that individuals who fit in the category of introverts (self-motivated) have a tendency to have bigger and thicker grey matter in specific territories of the prefrontal cortex, an exceedingly complex cerebrum area connected with conceptual thought and decision-making. However, individuals who fit in the category of extroverts have a tendency to have more slender grey matter in those same prefrontal regions —that indicates that introverts (self-motivated) have a tendency to give more neural assets to abstract contemplating, while extroverts have a tendency to live the moment.

We all pass through the phase of life from childhood, to youth and aging. This is life. We, introverts are coming with a right from the creator of human beings and stone in order to adjust the balance and make the right and truth prevail and triumph. Silence and hibernation have prolonged. It is time for work and achievement.

My dear, exquisite and superior, the proudness of the world and the light of human, dear introvert, what you shall read now is only delirium, delusion, fables and superstitions that have no connection with you. Such superstitions were only spread by interferers, interposers, strangers and critics. Your existence is hope, richness, mercy and kindness to the world against the dangers and risks, which threatens us from here and there. Yes, we wronged in the past, but we have the power to change the present and plan for the future. A future that we plan by our own ideas and hands as the way we want, not as they want; those who are dictatorial, interferers, interposers, critics, and extremists in everything.

What you shall read now was written in the distant past, a past that has nothing to do with the reality. The change of souls is a prelude to the change of circumstances. We feel expanded breast when we tell you my dears that each of us has now two birth certificates. The first birth certificate is biological on the date of coming to earth and the second is psychological on the date that you select and accompany by the phrase: "I found myself, we are coming, God willing".  


First Lie: The introverts are arrogant.

It may seem that the introverts are isolated from people, but in fact they are busy and indulged in thinking and internal analysis of things. Introverts prefer to keep a distance from intruders and strangers and move cautiously if the circumstances require contacting them. If introverts limit contacting and mingling with strangers, this does not mean that the introverts hate them or disdain them, but rather it is an indication that the opportunity to get closer to them is still early.



Second Lie: The dealing of Introverts is rude.

Sometimes we seem boring or impatient, but in fact the idle tales and superficial communication and conversation drain our energy. We tend more to value intimacy and seriousness in conversation and dealing. It may also drain our energy easily, if we were among a crowd of people or a large crowd. In these situations, strangers (extroverts) may feel that we are rude and avoiding them, especially when we apologize for attending public events with too much noise and exaggeration in everything. This psychological difference and averting of the human mind prove to the extroverts that we are collaborators and humble, if we were in an environment that would be consistent with our psychological and biological identity.


Third Lie: The introverts love solitude.

It is a mistake to think that all introverts are isolated and lonely. Even if they were, what is the fault and misdeed in such matter as long as you the extrovert shall not be at risk? The unambiguous truth confirms that the vast majority of introverts do not prefer solitude or loneliness.  The introvert owns a small circle of close associates with whom he/she enjoys spending time. Although they prefer and appreciate times of solitude, the introverts averagely tend to solitude not excessively.



Fourth Lie: The introverts do not like to entertain themselves.

Although introverts prefer spending most of their time at home, it does not mean that they are mentally ill or psychopaths. Introverts find stimulation and comfort beyond description in their internal world which is full of ideas and reflections. This internal stimulation is a healthy, rich and useful alternative for introverts instead of other entertainment and enjoyment methods. Introverts strongly tend to sanctify comfort, security and privacy in their environment; therefore you see them spend long hours at home where they feel the value of life. Introverts do not mind to entertain themselves outside the home, but in a balanced manner if needed.


Fifth Lie: The introverts do not have social relationships.

Due to the fact that a friend is a drawer, the rotten apple injures its neighbors, life is short, even if it is prolonged, you shall find the introverts very selective in their friendships because they are looking for the essence of friendship not its surface and shell. Many introverts have a small circle of friendships, because they are conservative and cautious by their nature from comfortably revealing their privacy in front of strangers. The conservation and caution of introverts in the first years of their education may slow their speed in making wide friendships, but that does not mean that they tend to absolute isolation.


Sixth Lie: The introverts have negative energy.

Depression may be associated with subjectivity or introversion, but there is great difference between the two. Science confirms that the depressed patient struggles to emerge from his isolation or his melting pot while the introvert finds his pleasure, comfort and most focus in isolation (i.e. selective solitude). Depression does not distinguish between extroverts or introverts. Both are exposed to depression. But it should be noted that the vast majority of introverts enjoy the highest levels of satisfaction and tranquility in their lives.  God gave introverts inner peace that protects them against self conflict with itself and with the world. Although they face obstacles sometimes, the introverts possess a remarkable capacity to learn from their experiences and to get rid of any restrictions that may be imposed by the challenges of life on them. This is contrary to depressed patients.


Seventh Lie: The introverts are of strange characters.

Indeed, sometimes we might work outside of the ordinary, but we are not a source of threat to others or a moving anger mass. Introverts feed their senses by ideas and reflections, which flow in their internal world. It is impossible to find an introvert whose energy, creativity and distinctiveness are inspired by other object or existence. Such behavior may make the introverts seem weird and eccentric in some situations and they seem unique in other situations. Swinging between strangeness and uniqueness has created several introversive inventors and thinkers who pumped new blood in human veins away from cloning or surface.


Eighth Lie: The introverts hate people.

The quietness, serenity and tranquility of introverts may impose the quality and attribute of hating or avoiding people. From the reality perspective, we cannot assert that all introverts hate people and avoid mingling and contacting them, but most of them have good feeling about all people. There is a contrast and difference between being present with people and loving to contact and mingle with them. Introverts love psychological tranquility and peace, self-culture and contacting people moderately. If the verse was reversed, subconsciously the introverts may tend at such time to impatience and nervousness.


Ninth Lie: The introverts do not like to talk.

While the general public finds their pleasure in idle talks and tales, the introverts prefer to distance themselves from these atmospheres. The introverts find what they want in waiting before speaking. They carefully listen to any discussion before they express their opinions. If the meeting was crowded with people at such time the introvert finds some embarrassment in expressing his opinion. Thus, the introvert tends to silence. The silence for the introvert in these situations is wisdom and courage. What is the point of the introvert’s expression of his opinion among a crowd of people that see the intellectual difference is a rebellion against the culture of the herd? Hence, the introverts are wronged as they are described that they do not like to talk or do not have something to say. The introverts have plenty to say, but they choose where, how and when to unleash their conversations.


Tenth Lie: The introverts lack sophistication and shrewdness.

The general public believes that introverts lack social intelligence. This is sometimes the reason for their reluctance to participate in public discussions beside tranquility and calmness of their personality. On the contrary, if the people became silent to listen and see the immanent of matters at such time, they shall realize that the introverts have inexhaustible source of culture, science and wisdom. It is not necessarily judging the silence as being foolishness. Do we build nations by whirring, tinkling and howling?


Eleventh Lie: The introverts are impostors.

It is the most egregious and ridiculous lies. The general public believes that the introverts’ preference for individual and independent work is an indicator for planning a plot or conspiracy. Furthermore, the general public may also feel suspicion and doubt about the behavior of introverts due to their caution in dealing with the outside world. In fact, the proudness of the human and the light of the world are my dear beloved introverts who are not impostors and deceivers. We may find a few of them are practicing tricks and using such tricks to reach their goals, but the vast majority of introverts love solitude and loneliness to refresh their activity and to inspire positive energy that assist them to progress and excellence.


Twelfth Lie: The Introverts are shy.

It is a scientific proven fact that shy people are introverts and not vice versa. It is not necessarily that all introverts are shy. They are conservative or in other words they tend to deepen personal matters. They do not intrude on the lives of others. The fine line between shyness and introversion lies in the fact that shyness is a phobia of contacting with people, while introversion is reflected in the pleasure of mingling with people without excess or negligence (i.e. not to exaggerate in the presence of large numbers of people).


Thirteenth Lie: The introverts have low self-confidence in themselves.

Regardless, we may see extroverts or even introverts with low self-confidence. It should be noted that introversion is not scientifically defined and not paired with possessing self-confidence. Low self-esteem may also seem obvious in extroverts or even ambiverts (balanced personalities). Such quality may manifest differently in introverts if any. In general, the concept of self-confidence does not disturb the vast majority of introverts. The introverts’ desire of isolation or optional solitude (seclusion) is not an indicator of a lack of self-flagellation and self-confidence.


Fourteenth Lie: introversion is a disease that should be treated.

If the origin of the introversion is a biological reason particularly human gene, thus, demanding diagnosis and treatment is imbecility, idiocy and madness. It is a mistake to think that introversion is a kind of trials that should be surpassed. Those who are in dire need of effective and successful treatment are those interferers, interposers, critics, dictatorial and gossipers without right. They are the culprit, source of affliction and heads of demolition and sedition.

Oh introverts, you are the proudness of the world and the light of human. Be whatever you want. Be the master of the people or sing out of tune. But in all your conditions, be towering believers. You are not alone!