Privacy Policy

At, we consider online privacy protection important and we pay attention to the worries of our clients. In this policy, we demonstrate our security measures concerning the data we gather through and partnered websites (the "Site"), to enable you to make well-informed choices about how you share data when you visit or utilize the Site.

Comprehending How Data Is Gathered on Commyoulogy .com: 

Data You May Pick to Provide to Us 
We may gather data, including data for personal identification, straightforwardly from you in the event that you decide to share that data. For instance, you may give us your name and contact data, (for example, an email address), date of birth, or different points of interest of such nature, when you subscribe for our newsletters or take part in offers or reviews on the Site. 
You may, as well, decide to share data for personal identification about yourself when you take part in forums or discourses on the Site. Please take into consideration that the data you share in these forums might be seen or caught by any individual who visits the Site, hence you ought to abstain from posting sensitive or individual data that you would not have any desire to be accessible to the public.

Data That Is Automatically Gathered When You Visit 
When you log in to the Site, we and our partnering parties and sellers may automatically gather specific data about your visit via different tools, for example, web cookies, web beacons, and other comparable techniques. The data gathered automatically when you access the Site may have your IP address, qualities of your operating system, data about your search engine and system settings, information about the PC or cell phone you use to log into the Site, exceptional gadget identifiers, clickstream information (which demonstrates the page-by-page way you take as you scan the Site), and other different specifics that are mostly not considered personal identifiers. 

Cookies are small files used by webpages and other online databases to save data about clients on the clients' own PCs. This Site may utilize Cookies, (for example, HTTP and HTML5 Cookies and Flash Cookies), and different sorts of local storage.  In case you decide to prevent cookies, nonetheless, that could influence certain characteristics of the Site that utilize cookies to improve their performance. 

To administer our programmed information gathering, we may put labels (usually called "web beacons") on pages on the Site or in emails sent to you. Web beacons are small files that connect online pages to specific web browsers and their cookies, and they may be utilized for various aims, for example, tallying the number of guests to the Site, investigating how clients explore the Site, evaluating the number of emails sent by us that are really opened and which articles or web links are visited by guests. 

We additionally utilize third-party web evaluation and analysis providers, for example, Google Analytics, on the Site, to furnish us with demographics and other data about visitors to the Site.

"Do Not Track" Signals. Your search engine settings may enable you to automatically send a "do not track" signal to web pages and online sites you visit. Right now there is no agreement among industry members with regards to the significance of "do not track" in this specific case. Similar to many other sites, is not set to react to "do not track" signals from search engines. 

Lastly, organizations that give specific third-party applications, tools, gadgets, and plug-ins that may show up on the Site (for instance, Facebook "Like" buttons) may utilize automatic ways to gather data about the way you deal with these characteristics. This data gathering is liable to the privacy protection policies or notification of those suppliers. 

How We May Use Information We Collect 
We may utilize the data collected on for many aims, including the aims shown hereunder. For instance, in case you wanted to reach us for an inquiry and give your email address, we would utilize the email address you gave to reply to your request. Moreover, we utilize data we gather from you and through the Site to: 

• Provide commodities and services you demand, (for example, when you join to get our email bulletins); 

• Reply to demands, inquiries, remarks, and give different sorts of client support; 

• Bring you commodities and services, or guide you to parts of this Site or different sites, that we think may intrigue you; 

• Contact you about, and manage your involvement in, events, courses, challenges, and opportunities and notices of sale; 

• Execute, assess, and enhance our business (which may incorporate adding new characteristics for the Site; examining and upgrading the client experience on the Site; evaluating the efficiency of our promoting and publicizing; and administering with our correspondences); 

• Carry out information examination with respect to the use of the Site (inclusive of business sector and client research, trend investigation, money related examination, and anonymization of individual data); 

• Protect against, specify, and impede extortion and other criminal actions, allegations, and different liabilities; and 

• Adhere to appropriate lawful necessities, law requirement demands, and our organization policies.

How We May Share Information 
Our promoters, sellers, specialists, and other specialist organizations may log into data we gather through the Site to execute some tasks for us. Those associations are confined from utilizing individual data gathered through the Site for aims besides to give the needed help. Moreover, certain specialist may gather or log into data through the Site to empower or give services, tools, or other characteristics accessible on the Site. In addition, we may share data: 

• With our partners for domestic business aims; 

• In case we are obliged to do as such by law, control, or lawful process, (for example, a court order or subpoena); 

• In reply to demands from government offices, for example, law enforcement bodies; 

• If we trust declaration of data is essential or fitting to avoid physical damage or money related misfortune, or regarding an investigation of suspected or real unlawful action; 

• With regard to examination and factual data, to illuminate promoters about the idea of our client base; 

• In case we trade or move all or a part of our business or resources (inclusive of  a restructuring, disintegration, or liquidation); and 

• With your approval or at your well. 

Your Choices: 

Unsubscribe from emails. To cancel the subscription from a specific bulletin, follow the "unsubscribe" link at the end of that email bulletin. In case you want to totally cancel your subscription from all email services, kindly send us an email with "Unsubscribe" as the subject of the email. When we send bulletins to participants, we may grant sponsors or affiliates to incorporate messages in those bulletins, or we may send specific bulletins on the side of those sponsors or affiliates. We may uncover your unwanted options to others so they can respect your inclinations as per pertinent laws. 

Blocking Cookies. Some search engines may be set to inform you when you get cookies, or enable you to limit or debilitate specific cookies. In case you decide to prevent cookies, nonetheless, that could influence certain characteristics of the Site that utilize cookies to improve their performance.

Disabling local shared objects (“Flash cookies”). We may utilize different sorts of local storage that perform in the same way, yet saved in various parts of your PC from usual search engine cookies. Your search engine may enable you to turn off its HTML5 local storage or erase data contained in its HTML5 local storage. 

How We Protect Personal Information 
We keep proper managerial, technical, and physical shields intended to safeguard the individual data you give against incidental, illegal, or unapproved annihilation, misfortune, modification, access, revelation, or utilization. Nonetheless, it isn't conceivable to ensure the security of data transmitted on the web, and you accept some hazard with respect to the security of data you give through any site, including this Site. 

Links from to Other Websites
On this Site, we may give connections to different sites that are managed by others. These sites may apply their own protection notifications or strategies, which we emphatically recommend you to read first. We are not liable for the included materials, use conditions, protection strategies, or some other parts of sites that we don't own or manage. 

Surveys, Quizzes and Other Features
While you are surfing, you may have the chance to take part in questionnaires or tests, or to utilize other intelligent characteristics that demand data about you and your points of view and inclinations. Your interaction with these characteristics is totally willful. In case you do take part, kindly be informed that these characteristics may be run by others who are not managed by, and thus the data you give may be gathered by others and may be liable to their security strategy. 

Children’s Privacy
The design of this Site is not aimed for youngsters, and we do not intentionally gather individual data from kids younger than 13. In the event that we know that we have gathered individual data from a kid younger than 13, we will erase any such data. 

How We’ll Inform You About Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may modify this online privacy policy from time to time to show the modifications to our security means, for example, how we gather or utilize individual data. We will show at the head of this privacy policy the date when it was lately modified. 

How to Contact Us
In case you have inquiries concerning this policy or about our privacy practices, you may get in touch with us by messaging us.

Advertising Policy
To enable us to keep up the materials required to make the quality substance you are worthy of, we agree to have ads on our Site. We highly value straightforwardness and we expect that this policy makes you feel more satisfied about the substance and services we give. sustains a clear distinction between promoting and literary content. 
• All publicizing or supported content on is unmistakably and clearly recognized from article content through frames or other distinctive components and / or labelled as an "Ad," "Advertisement," "Sponsored” or any resembling identification showing that the substance is being given by or in the interest of the sponsor. 
• All "local" promotions or paid substance are distinguished as an Ad," "Advertisement," "Sponsored" or any resembling identification showing that the substance is being given by or in the interest of the sponsor. 
• Literary content on is not impacted by ads except if the substance is sponsored, in which case, the substance will be plainly differentiated and / or distinguished as an Ad," "Advertisement," "Sponsored" or any resembling identification showing that the substance is being given by or in the interest of the sponsor

 Prohibited Content

Ads may not contain or promote the following:

• Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco. Advertisements may not publicize unauthorized medications, unlawful substances, mishandle of doctor prescribed medications, utilization of liquor, or tobacco items, or any related materials. Legitimate items and services which publicize giving up tobacco related items are allowed. 

• Weapons/Violence. Advertisements may not publicize the utilization, dispersion, or production of guns, ammo, explosives, fireworks or different weapons. Advertisements may not publicize brutality, pitilessness, or physical or passionate mischief to any individual or creature. 

• Illegal Activities/Gambling. Advertisements may not publicize any unlawful or other faulty practices which might be unlawful in any dominion, inclusive of without confinement to hacking, falsifying, or different practices that may abuse the intellectual property, security, promotion, or legally binding privileges of others. Advertisements may not include or publicize content identified with frauds, monetary plans, fraudulent business models or other deceitful or unlawful money related or investment chances. Advertisements may not publicize clubs, betting, wagering, numbers games, sports or money related wagering.

• Hate/Intolerance/Discrimination. Advertisements may not include or publicize loathe discourse, individual assaults, or bias towards any person, party, nation, or association. 

• Obscenity/Indecency/Profanity. Advertisements may not include or publicize any disgusting, obscene, indecent or hostile words, pictures, sounds, recordings or other substance. 

• Political/Religious. Advertisements may not include unfriendly, hostile, fiery or scornful discourse identified with political or religious points or parties. Advertisements may not misuse argumentative political, social, or religious issues for business purposes.

• Sexual/Adult Content. Advertisements may not contain complete or halfway nakedness, portrayals of individuals in unequivocal positions, or practices that are excessively suggestive or sexually provocative. Advertisements may not include content or pictures uncovering anybody or anything engaged with express sexual acts or lustful and obscene conduct. Advertisements may not publicize escort, dating, sensual message, erotica, or other sexual items or services. 

• Disparagement/Defamation. Advertisements may not include derogative or slanderous data or substance which aims to the notoriety of or some other person, party, or association. 

• Gross Depictions. Advertisements may not include or publicize substance that is rough, foul, corrupting or prone to stun or nauseate. 

• Militant/Extremism. Advertisements may not include or publicize intensely forceful and contentious practices or illegal political actions, inclusive of people or parties supporting savagery as a way to accomplish their objectives. 

• Sensitive Content. Advertisements may not aim touchy classes, for example, monetary status, health conditions, psychological well-being, criminal record, political connection, age, racial or ethnic roots, religious or philosophical association or convictions, sexual conduct or direction, or trade union participation. 

• Free Goods/Services. Advertisements may not circulate or guarantee to convey any free merchandise and ventures. 

• Targeted at Children. Advertisements may not particularly aim youngsters, through kid's animation shows or alike. 

• Unverifiable Claims. Advertisements may not make befuddling claims that sensible buyers cannot promptly comprehend and assess. 

• Before/After Images. Advertisements may not sketch "“before and after” pictures or pictures that include startling or impossible outcomes. 

• Health/Safety Claims. Advertisements may not publicize activities prone to hurt one's wellbeing, for example, bulimia, anorexia, voracious boozing, or drug addiction. Advertisements may not make wellbeing claims that are not unmistakably verified. Sponsors may be asked to show supporting evidence to confirm their products. 

• Misleading/False/Deceptive: Advertisements may not include any data or substance that is possibly deceptive, untrue, or beguiling, including substance which is intended to misleadingly create snaps, for example, mock "close" buttons. 

• Competitive to Advertisements may not publicize direct rivals of or any of its parent, associate, dependency or other related bodies.|

Additional Standards

Advertisers and Ads must adhere to the following: 

• Audio/Animation. Commercials may exclude excessively troublesome sound or activity that runs automatically. 

• Popups/Downloads. Commercials may exclude lead advertisements, gliding layers, pop-ups, reviews, or any computerized downloads. 

• Malicious Software. Commercials may exclude malevolent code, programming or viruses, including malware, spyware, adware, stealware, or Trojan horses. 

• Separation. Commercials must include clear guests and be shown clearly as not some portion of publication site content. 

• Phishing. Commercials may not snare or trap a client into giving cash or any account, individual or other delicate data. 

• Compatibility. Commercials must work consistently on both Apple and PC designs, and all significant Internet search engines. 

• Independence. Commercials may not seem to trade off or impact publication autonomy from Advertisers. 

• Endorsements. Commercials may not make or infer the presence of any support by for any item, service, or association. 

• Landing Pages. Home pages related with commercials must relate to the commercial’s request to take action and not be involved in "bait and switch". 

• Proprietary Rights. Commercials may not breach any copyright, brand, business secret, patent, propaganda, protection, or other restrictive privileges of or others. Promoters may not change or meddle with the clarity or show of any trademarks, service marks, logos, outlines or mottos. 

• Data Collection/Use. Commercials may exclude open-box structures to enlist clients or gather any information. Commercials may not gather and offer or permit any information or mailing records in regards to clients without the clients' explicit consent. Promoters may not gather any data for personal identification from clients or put any cookies, applets or other comparable documents — if those records convey any personal identification data to promoters — on desktop PCs or cell phones of clients. Promoters must deal with information attentively, not abuse any information which they are allowed to gather, nor gather any information for vague aims or without suitable protection actions.