Code of Communication

A Commyounity of Family Spirit


Awareness is the basis, and within it lies the beauty of life. Proceeding from our pure humanity, a group of individuals gathered to establish a community whose bond is man, aiming at its development away from politics, and from everything that leads to disagreement, without discrimination or racism... A community tied together by the values of love, beauty, art, and morals. Our goal is the self-development of each member of this community, and the development of the human society as a whole through active participation.

One Community … two families

Commyoulogy: A family that is concerned with literary and scientific topics and everything related to thought and human consciousness.
Beyond Senses: A family that is concerned with entertainment and social and human activities.

Communication among the members of our community


Electronic Communication Ethics
Taking into account differences between members that may arise from differences in language, culture, style of bringing up, or personality style.

What is our communication?
The opinions expressed and circulated among members do not necessarily reflect any scientific, academic, or official body, but rather are the result of readings, experiences, and personal efforts.

A picture ----- means a thousand words’
Our meetings are documented on a weekly basis through group photos taken with the consent of the attendees and under the direct supervision of the organizer.

Be tactful when dealing with others
•    Kindly, do not smoke in front of us or in any closed place where we are.
•    It is preferable that each member pays the value of his purchases himself.
•    Leave the meeting place as you found it; clean, organized, and comfortable for those who come after you.